Monday, December 14, 2009

DxDR: In the Studio!

Death by Death Ray was in the recording studio on Sunday Dec 13th down at the Centre for Arts and Technology. We had a great time and were quite productive, laying down rough tracks for 6 tunes. (Access Denied, Perfect World, Power Doesn't Care, Dead Wrong, Liberté, and the untitled cool jazz number).

Tim Jordan on Percussion

Jamie Jordan on Guitar

Dan Melvin on Bass

Jamie Jordan and Dylan Edwards discussing the future of metal

Jamie Jordan and Ryan Doucet setting up microphones

Tim Jordan's drums; all mic'ed up and ready to rock

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Flabbergasting Tales!

Feast your eyes, Loyal Citizens! This tale is pulled from the Overlord's Archives deep in the cold memory files of the Central Control Computer. Script by Diligent Dylan Edwards! Art by Howlin' Dave Howlett!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Neptune Video

This is a video clip from the November 12th Command Performance of 'The Overlord' at the Neptune Theatre Studio Stage. It was shot by Deanne Pye and Mark Gale, and edited by Mark Gale. The video features the song 'Liberté!' - music by Christine Ellis, Tim Jordan and Jamie Jordan, lyrics by Dylan Edwards. The performers are: Dan Melvin as The Overlord, Eamon Clancey as Captain Thunder, Christine Ellis as Lady Liberty, Jeff Hale as Blacknight, Celeste Dawson as Thunder Queen, and also appearing are Jake Clancey-Edwards, Kate Rennie, Robbie Darling, Sean Wang and Sam Clancey-Edwards. Costumes by Pam Crouse. Make-up and Stage Management by Tanya Carroll. A/V, SFX and Animation by Jay Silver. Graphic Design by James Rothenburg.